Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Bishop and The Boxer

When Joseph drove the Bishop into town, he braked hard for a mob in the street. At the center of the mob were two scrawny boys, shirts off and bare knuckle boxing. The Bishop got out of the car aiming to speak with the boss of this arena. One of the scrawny fighters is thrown into the car door, pushing The Bishop back inside. Faces with blood and sweat were smeared upon the window. Bishop Thomas Michael O'Leary says to his driver,"So this is my flock?" Joseph the driver replies,"The better part of it Father,yes. Right there is the best fighter Springfield has got. Froggy there, he's the mayor of Springfield, unofficially speaking that is." The Bishop, though startled, remained cool. Then asked the driver if he could arrange an appointment between himself and the mayor. "Perhaps we should make that both mayors, Joseph."

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