Monday, May 18, 2009

Dream Walking

Dream Walking is just as the name suggests. It is the act of spiritually, knowingly, purposefully, walking and taking part in your own dreams. In Dream Walking, you are not only a spectator, but a main player. In Dream Walking, we can speak with ancestors, heal, and practice being our most perfect selves.

There are so many books that have been published about dream analysis, art of dreaming,and dream dictionaries. There are even websites that have been dedicated to the history of dreams. With so much out there, it is difficult to figure out just what One’s dreams mean. Add to it that I am telling you to become an active player in your own dreams, maybe it all seems like it is a bit much.

So, you have taken the bait and would like to know how this works.

I can only instruct you on how I Dream Walk. As any great instructor will tell you, first learn my way, then fine tune it to your liking. You will find your own pace and set it, but first let me prepare you for unexpected pit falls.

Alcohol, street drugs, mood altering drugs and some prescription drugs will inhibit you from Dream Walking. If your body is very ill, you may have to wait for better health before Dream Walking. While Dream Walking, I suggest that you remain respectful to all. All actions in the Dream Realm will affect you in your waking hours.

When I am about to fall asleep, I think of a person or place and go there. It really is that easy for me now. It was not always easy. In fact, at first, it was very frightening.

In the beginning, when I began to fall asleep, it felt like I was falling. The falling frightened me. In the physical world, if you fall, you usually get hurt. In Dream Walking, the sensation of falling is the act of a small piece of your soul connecting into the Dream Realm. When you wake, there again will be the sensation of falling. It is only a small piece of your soul reuniting with you body.

Once you are settled in the understanding that this is safe, you will be better able to navigate through the Dream Realm and actually Dream Walk.

It is important to know that fear blocks and traps us all from living. Fear is usually put in place to give us boundaries that make us feel safe. Sometimes we need it. Like when a child is restrained from running into traffic, the fear of injury and death keeps the child safe. Now, as the child grows older, they must learn to cross the street by themselves by obeying the traffic rules. Let’s take this logic further. Sometimes, in order to survive, we must break the rules that have helped us to survive. That child may need to run through on coming traffic in order to get away from a more immediate danger. The fear is still in place, telling the child to avoid the moving vehicles. The child will use the fear to navigate his way to safety. Just be aware that fear itself is not bad. Fear has its own purpose and place in a healthy life. So, when letting go or managing your fears, it is important to be grateful for the great service which fear imparted upon you.

Okay, so the fear is managed and you have succeeded in falling into the Dream Realm. Give yourself a moment. Look around. Notice all of the colors, the sites, and remember them for later. Is the sky purple? Do you see others around you? Listen to what they say. Can you understand what is being said to you? Are they speaking too quickly? In time you will be able to fall into their space and match their speed. Until then, just think a thought and direct it to the one speaking to you. When you are in the Dream Realm telepathy is far more useful than words. Often, words will be used for emphasis so that you can remember them when you awaken.

At this point you are ready to Dream Walk. So walk around. Remembering to be reverent, you will see, hear, feel, and enjoy sensations that your physical body may not have. Unable to walk? You can run here. With practice, you can feel and be anything that suits your liking. I like to use this as a healthy stress reliever for life in the “real” world. You can use this space to live out fantasies, practice something you would like to attempt in the “real” world, or even reprogram your body to heal itself. Hard to believe, but this wonderland is free and open to every one of us.


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